Sun-god worship in America?

Sun-god worship in America?

Temple of Luxor Washington Monument
Entrance to the Temple of Luxor in Egypt Entrance to the Temple of America in Babylon

The Temple of Luxor is located on the east bank of the Nile River in Egypt and is thousands of years old. These obelisk strutures are of Egyptian origin and appeared at the entrance of ancient Egyptian religious temples and were associated with sun worship. The obelisk is the Egyptian symbol of the sun-god Ra (aka Re, Phra, Aton, Aten, or Yati), who is Baal. The "o-BEL-isk" literally means the "shaft of baal".

If this obelisk structure looks familiar that's because it's at the entrance to the Temple of America in Babylon. The Washington Monument, constructed by the beast, is the EXACT same structure! They've added a few more flags around the bottom though.

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